Acoustic insulation in the showroom
Fasten acoustic panels with pot magnets
Online since: 01/10/2015,
Number of visits: 618677
Magnetic solution
Magnets provided us with a better solution.We glued a few rows of grey self-adhesive metal tape M-FERROTAPE
to the showroom's wall and ceiling.
We attached 3 TCN-16 pot magnets
to the backside of each acoustic panel so they would adhere to the metal strips.
Note about shear direction
The attachment of wall panelling as described above (with metal tape and pot magnets) requires a low panel weight. If you want to try something similar, refer to our info page and test if the selected magnets will be able to hold the desired weight in shear direction.A solution with self-adhesive metal strips MB-19
or metal strips MB-18
instead of the metal tape would probably be able to carry more weight.
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