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Covering up the chimney pipe

You won't even notice the unaesthetic chimney pipe anymore
Author: Ivano Alemanno, Castello d'Argile (Bologna), Italy
Online since: 18/05/2010, Number of visits: 244061

Cover dominant chimney pipe

When we furnished our new house, the white chimney pipe stuck out. The rest of the kitchen is dominated by steel elements on door and drawer handles (see below). The white pipe just didn't fit in. So, we decided to cover it up.
I fastened a perforated strip on the ceiling next to the chimney pipe and screwed 6 countersunk pot magnets CSN-13 along the perforated strip (magnetic side to the front, see picture).

Steel cover

Now, I could attach a steel cover to the countersunk pot magnets. The whole thing can be removed in seconds for maintenance work on the chimney pipe and it looks much better aesthetically when you look around the kitchen (see below).
Now the pipe doesn't stick out anymore in the modern kitchen
Now the pipe doesn't stick out anymore in the modern kitchen

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