Save the date magnets
Your wedding's coming up! Let your guests know and send them save the date magnets
Online since: 11/03/2019,
Number of visits: 160354

Save the date cards, whether made by yourself or ordered from a print shop, can be quickly and easily converted into refrigerator magnets.
For this purpose, we recommend self-adhesive magnets
such as sticky magnets S-18-01-STIC.
Self-adhesive magnetic sheet
or self-adhesive magnetic dots
are also suitable for the save the date cards.
To attach the self-adhesive magnets or magnetic dots, simply remove the protective film from the adhesive and then press the magnets firmly onto the card.
Depending on the weight of the card, one magnet or dot may be sufficient.
But it is best to test for yourself, how many magnets need to be attached to the card so it holds securely on the fridge.
If you opted to use the magnetic sheet, you can either cut it to match the size of the card or slightly smaller. Next, remove the protective film and press the card firmly onto the adhesive.
If you opted to use the magnetic sheet, you can either cut it to match the size of the card or slightly smaller. Next, remove the protective film and press the card firmly onto the adhesive.
Please note that you have to shield the magnets sufficiently if you plan to send them by mail.
Otherwise, the magnets may damage items in other letters, such as credit cards, or get stuck in the mail sorting machines.
The save the date magnets can easily be wrapped in paper or bubble wrap or protected with polystyrene.
Test with a paper clip if the envelope is magnetic on the outside.
If this is not the case, you can send the magnets.
Further information can be found in our FAQ on the subject of "Mailing".
Further ideas for magnetic wedding decoration can be found here:
In our handicraft guide, you will find many more useful tips and tricks for making your own magnets.
Go to handicraft guide
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