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Sphere figurines

Cheerful sphere figurines by the artist goppenhelm
Author: goppenhelm, Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, [email protected]
Online since: 23/08/2010, Number of visits: 371324
Sphere sculpture, held together with magnets
Sphere man
goppenhelm is a young Swiss artist, who wants to replace the sometimes depressive and joyless Alberto Giacometti bronze figures with his arranged and fun sphere figures.
goppenhelm figures are made of iron rods and steel spheres that are held together by neodymium magnets.
The bottom steel sphere and the legs are welded on, the top two spheres are held by magnets.
Sphere man and sphere woman
Sphere man and sphere woman
The spheres and magnets can be arranged almost endlessly to create new figures. You can play with them or just use them for decoration.
The iron plate is 1 cm thick, 5 cm wide and 10 or 20 cm long. The figures are about 19 cm high, but they can be enlarged to more then one metre.
Sphere animal
Sphere animal
The following magnets were used: S-03-06-N rod magnets (for arms, hair, antennas and tail), W-05-N cube magnets (for breasts) and S-10-05-N disc magnets.
The prisoner
The prisoner
Due to follow-up purchases at supermagnete.fi, goppenhelm uses many more magnets for his creative sculpures.
He used, among others, small ring magnets type R-06-02-02-G and magnetic spheres type K-05-C. The coloured steel spheres can be purchased from goppenhelm.
The sphere bird
The sphere bird

For now and always
For now and always

The alien
The alien

The sphere woman
The sphere woman

The hiker
The hiker


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