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Velvet key rack

A far from unobtrusive key rack
Author: Siegfried Hoppe, Berlin, Germany
Online since: 04/12/2008, Number of visits: 362240
Impressive, this collection of keys on a noble red background, isn't it?
If you find the magnetic key racks in our shop too small and inconspicuous, maybe you like the version of Mr. Hoppe from Berlin.
This key rack with hooks works well in dimly lit areas - keys won't get tangled up.
First, Mr. Hoppe upholstered a rectangular plywood board with red velvet.
Then, he used UHU MAX REPAIR to glue various magnets of the type Q-10-05-02-G (for larger keys) and Q-05-05-02-G (for lightweight keys) in three parallel rows on the velvet. Due to the golden color, you can barely see them on the velvet.
On the upper half of the board, Mr. Hoppe glued four larger block magnets Q-20-20-03-N, rotated by 45 degrees.
In retrospect, Mr. Hoppe finds these bigger block magnets a little over-dimensional; smaller magnets could hold the keys just as well. He has to pull the keys off downwards and not in a forward motion, otherwise the whole frame shakes.
The small Q-05-05-02-G-magnets are suitable only for small and light keys, or else they could come crashing down.

Mr. Hoppe put the prepared board into an old golden frame.
And then, all he had to do was fill up all the empty spaces with his many keys.
Even two years after the construction, he still finds his key rack without hooks very practical.

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