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Ask Fausto videos

We want to take a step further, beyond just writing down our magnet knowledge. We want to visualise it for you through our new video series "Ask Fausto" on YouTube where we answer your questions about magnets and magnetism. The Ask Fausto Playlist features all available episodes.

Who is Fausto?

Fausto is not a pseudonym; it’s his real name. If he is not in front of a camera, he works in our customer service team. His experience and charm make him the perfect person for this video series.

How can I participate?

Send your questions and suggestions to [email protected]. Fausto is excited to find out which topics he can pursue next and what experiments he can come up with to explain them.

Summary of previous episodes of "Ask Fausto"

We currently post a new video from the “Ask Fausto” series on our YouTube channel every three months or so. Below we put together a summary of all previously filmed episodes for you. If you like the videos, please give us a “thumbs up” on YouTube or leave a comment. We look forward to your feedback.
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